[MEDIA] Dear adventurers. You're about to enter an evil temple that is going to crush, impale and burn you if you choose poorly. If you choose...
That's a happy accident I guess. :) No haha, that's my newest map: Temple of Doom (I'll post a map post soon). But I am glad you like it. In my...
I've actually never played Tomb Raider to be honest. I think this creation is more inspired by Zelda if I would have to pick something.
I can't say that by now. :) But I just set it to 30 minutes so the bad music doesn't start...
I am trying to make an objective gametype, in which the game ends after everyone (Everybody is on the same team and has got one life) died. There...
Uhm, what? :) Of course I beat it, it's not very difficult. Plus the creator should always be able to beat his own map, hehe.
Buddy Jumps submitted a new map: Archaeology - An archaeologist gets trapped in the jungle... Can he find a way out? 8th August, 1905: The...
8th August, 1905: The well-known explorer and archaeologist Howard Carter is on a research expedition in the higher amazon region near the Andes...
Wow, me and I guess many other people didn't know that. It's sad that it has come to such an end.
I am sorry that I post another iteration of this map, but due to my now more evolved scripting skills I could make the map more comfortable and...
Buddy Jumps updated Aconcagua with a new update entry: Final Update Read the rest of this update entry...
Trait zones are not affected by scripting nor can they be moved in-game. :forge:
Amazing! Well deserved feature.
With 'Competitive/Core Maps' I just meant maps that are made for Slayer, KotH, CTF, etc., basically the serious gametypes. But that's not even the...
I don't like how you say 'Halo map', but mean 'Competitive/Core Halo map', even though your obvious goal is to talk about that specific kind....
Buddy Jumps submitted a new map: Mastery - A few of the hardest jumps on H2A packed into a fair and aesthetical obstacle course. Sweet jumps!...
Mastery is my first hard jumping map in Halo 2: Anniversary. It includes a few of the hardest jumps, but in a very fair way. You can't die on this...
Little tip: Delete the pistol in the air and just give the players unlimited ammo. Other than that, good idea. The music is the problem...
Thanks, man! It's a design rule I set to myself in H2A. In my opinion it's a bad thing to pair "green objects" (flat, hill) and a green plane...
What do you think about it, though? :) It's not very hard to beat it.