Sorry, you can't Rick Roll me.
That is one of your better maps.
What happened to the other map you were working on? Anyway this one seems pretty awesome and the Geo Merging looks outstanding. I guess I'm going...
I know what you mean, that's the part where you're in the dark area in the forest, right? Anyway it's ****ing annoying as hell, they are too good.
Kinda weird, this isn't my profile still.
I got name change, I'm Alienvsbon, if you didn't notice. The only thing that's wrong, is that my link to my user profile is wrong; it links to...
It's a nice over the shoulder view, it would be cooler, like said above me, if there would be some more flood species; so it gets a bit more dramatic.
Thanks mate.
Lulz, this name fits you even better.
It happened to me today when I was Forging, I ran out of items, and I was using the Ultimate Budget Gltiched map and somehow I ran out of items,...
What angle do you want to Geo Merge? If you have some pics I could help you out.
It's your own fault your account got hacked, and you probably won't get it back either. If you every see him again, report him with the Code of...
You need to host your pictures before you're going to post them. I recommend using PhotoBucket, it's free and very easy to use.
Lulz, that stupid orange bar...
Happy birthday!
It would be cool, though I think a few Premium members should come together and after turns, they create a piece with max, say 3 objects. Then,...
Nice name.
Hai. Welcome to FrogHub, I hope you'll be a member for a long time on this great community and to see alot of maps from you. Take a look around...
I don't. I ussually try to design a map completely out of my head, Forge some things and then do the rest.
Welcome to ForgeHub, remember, listen to the Staff and don't spam. Or else they'll find you... Anyways, also look out for Titmar, and look around...