| It's a link. v
Wantz helpz?
Okay, I'll ask him then.
I have no idea... Probably because I wanted to have a more "serious" name.
No. Look it up on YouTube, it doesn't require any kind of modding.
2:18 Gives a way more better view of his hands. I can see he's white.
Go Here.
This map looks very creative. The layout looks awesome and the map is filled up with amazing Interlocking and Geo Merging. I'd like to know how...
Don't let Rep frustrate you. And ignore that kid.
Sarcasm much?
^Yes. It does look like Recon, I don't see a visor in the screen though. Only the black padding from the side I see.
My ass. ****ing epic. I want to see some more from this guy.
Hello, I'm thinking of making a sig shop, but a different one. To be exact, drawn sigs. I'm looking for a partner who can make the sigs fit to...
The Forum, Topic, or Post you requested could not be found. We were unable to access the forum, topic, or post you requested. Most likely,...
Jeebus... And you have the ****ing money to afford that? Lol 5%...
Ah I see. Is it a blue one?
07WRX? Anyway, you sound like a nice person to me, welcome to ForgeHub.
I like the "hallway" you created, it looks innovative and something new. I love how the Double Boxes stick out of those Bridges in the "hallway"...
I saw it coming. Happy faic.