Or with up on the pad.
For the most stuff I'm better on the normal controller and I only need 3 songs on expert.
Is it possible to switch from a Guitar Hero controller to a normal controller while I'm playing a song?
Don't mind. Great post, thank you.
I'm saying that it's unneeded because there's an other site for it...
Thanks for the great advice, I will use them when buying the new guitar!
I love your sig so bad. If only that guy was just slightly fatter it would own totaly.
The Far Cry hub is unneeded. There's a Far Cry site for such things. This is ForgeHub.
Isn't it right that spawn points don't require any money?
Oh hai. Welcome to FrogHub and enjoy your stay. :j
Just don't listen to them, just imagine them sitting on the couch or whatever, they'd be probably some fat ass stupid kids who are so sad they...
Thanks for the advice everyone, it helped. I just started playing the electric guitar howwever I've played acoustic for over three years....
The lightning looks as if you shot a laptop and made a screenie while flating behind it. Weird idea, seems possible though. Nice screenshots...
Those are called Reputation, however you don't gain or lose any after the update, it's useless.
O hai thar.