[IMG] Guitar Hero By | Zatherla Players | 2 Gametypes | Specific Gametype Guitar Hero is an jovially creative minigame made by Zatherla....
An urban set map. I generally love urban settings. Turf, Terminal, and Headlong are some of my favorite maps if not for their awesome layouts then...
Dammit man. Did you just come out of the wood work with some boss maps or something? You've somehow managed to make the hideous Erosion palette...
man you must have one hell of a backyard. Mine has grass and trees. This map does look pretty sweet though. It is cleanly forged and adheres to a...
Most certainly. Entering into the Forge Contest does not exclude you from the tourney.
I feel the same Frag. Instaspawn is only good for big maps not 2v2.
Actually, now it's looking like both will be changed. lol
OS got shot down... Instant Respawn, on the other hand, I'm still trying to get done. There's this inherent concern that if we change the...
In response to your concern REM, a featured map's main prize is being front-paged. It doesn't get stuck in the map forums.
A map has to get two noms to be considered. I think only 6 maps last month got more than one. Also, links to map threads, guys. Especially if...
That's still being discussed. We're just not sure of how many people have gotten started building maps based around the current game and weighing...
[IMG]omNominations Hello Forge Hub, My sincerest apologies come with this article being out as late as it has. If last month's results...
It just came to my attention that the Dust-Up gametype never made it on to my fileshare. I don't know what happened there, but when I get back to...
That's a good question actually. They play a pretty big role in some 2v2 maps. I'll look in to it.
He wrote cole protocol didn't he? That's my favorite Halo book to date. I like Greg Bear's writing style, but he doesn't keep me on edge as much...
Hey, my ability to do lolbox announcements was taken away. I dunno if this was intentional or not.
Good luck to you. We look forward to seeing your entry :]
Personally, I always found Zealot to be far too small for 4v4. So in my personal, and *professional*, opinion I'd say you're okay.
oh, well things like THAT are definitely in the works.
Bigger tourney, shoe? In like team volume or what? Because organizing a 2v2 is hard enough as is and anything larger is just a nightmare.