They happen to be from a favorite one, so I couldn't help that fact but also that they worked rather well with what I had so. Appreciate the cnc :D.
Self Catastrophe by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [IMG]
In 2010 I was on about 7 GFX sites ( Which I go on here and there now ), which I would post work for, for cnc, and to also be apart of the...
New wallpaper from last night. [IMG] Minecraft: The Sky's the Limit by ~Kidbomber on deviantART
I did H3 about a week ago, however for Reach not really. I lost interest in it's gameplay rather quickly ( forge is fine, just the gameplay itself ).
[IMG] Kidbomber on deviantART
Damn when did you get so good since I left :'(.
Im head writer for it along with Guard, however I only write about things that interest me or have alot of writing to it. Even so I haven't...
Congratz your doing a wonderful job of it atm. Anyway welcome to Forgehub, Hope that your PC will be fixed soon so you could post your maps up ;D.
YouTube - Crafthub - Aspio Rave‏
Hm I remember working on something similar that looks just like that.. Must have been the one I made for Insane then I guess >.<. But im happy...
Like that you still have most of my work with you :P. ( The sig and the profile bg).
It was shown on the MCforums blog page, so I would think most have at best :3. I knew about the mod itself way before it was rather popular but...
My Thoughts on V1.6 coming out: Minecraft 1.6 Pre-Thoughts | Love Justles Please comment if you can :3.
Don't lay a finger on my butterfinger!
Love Justles | Everything and Anything goes. I used to use it for my portfolio site. I have it back and running, but I changed the purpose to...