Btw if you were wondering why I wanted to get SOTW working again and purge it abit from the threads from 10' :/.
Would you be hurt if I asked for my mod powers back in the GnA?
Happy birthday! :3!
*shrugs*. It does look like it's bouncing, however it's hard to really say it was doing without the shadow under it. The little color effects...
I come over here and there just to see how the GnA is going but I don't have alot of time so I just comment on some that I think might need it....
Not sure if you mean't that but without the stock or text, it would have seemed like he was underwater but still this is good. The lighting is...
Lighting kinda eh to me. The backdrop light and the light that is originally with the render are different so that needs to be improved on...
[img] Minecraft Forum Skin by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [Live Preview Here] Any feedback on it? :3.
Song = +1 rep Background is the original screenshot that I used instead. Being it's alot lighter and the light source of the waterfall isn't...
Minecraft Youtube theme by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [IMG] Client work for Vince (Orange Jay)
Stock was already abit LQ already, which something you don't want to have to deal with. The text should maybe be abit bigger, however the thing...
Oh bummer mate D:. It's k though I still <3 you either way :D.
Damn sorry that I asked. Hope I don't get OTD ( Orange Transmitted Disease ) from the air!
Eh not going to lie not a fan of them. The first one is really hard to see and I feel the space stock rather ruins the feel of it. The lighting...
You love it, don't lie to yourself. ;).
Lordy when did you become that orange before? Were you left outside for to long?
On it here and there but with school coming up the best you'll get it me on my computer :P.
Talk with me more on msn or skype plox.
ikaros naked sora no otoshimono watanabe yoshihiro wings Hopelessness by ~Oath--Keeper on deviantART...