Thank you :).
> Only conversations we've had was you saying Happy Birthday to me > Makes me feel like it's a ritual now lol. Thanks LD :).
Don't really feel any older but meh doesn't matter to much XD.
Thanks Zig!
Thanks :).
I would think try and new background personally. The middle line there makes it looks like the background is a copy/paste of each other and well...
Meh I still mostly look like that just my hair is still that long and no shirt. *shrugs* :P.
That would be me 2 years ago O.O..
Wait what?
As you can see no scanner so the paper started to bend so it may be off but it's fine I draw Anime only on my free-time I have other drawings that...
Ah didn't see that sorry. Version 2 looks alot better btw. Yes, I would think it would help by adding some here and there on it.
> "This is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper" Sorry had to say that with the title being as it is. Besides the details...
Try to use just pencil and shading first before you start going into inking right away. Also too, Mizore looks a bit stretched out >.<. btw not...
Can send me one if you want. Can't say I will however being I have a few other things to do here and there.
Colored Emotions by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [IMG]
Not always the case, but it's getting harder and hard to find people like that sadly. Anyway I would suggest doing SOTW (see that you already...
Had an older picture of me and a friend with me photo bombing it and thought it would be a funny image to make into a vector. Seems everyone liked...
Well the price is 15$ for the background and I give them the PSD if they want it. I didn't mean it to sound like the PSD is 5$ on it's own. We...
15$ for the background and PSD.