you know.. now that i see people doing stuff with like the legendary symbol.. i think its totally fine that i did the forge hand :D and hari,...
agreed with gunner.. man you have beautiful stuffs :) i've always loved where you have one part more saturated with colour than the rest, and you...
meh i gotta say i love the green.. its very sleek. good job. is that only one font i see?
death by fire looks much more intense! your horizon seems to look better if its lighter in the sky.. otherwise theres that awkward white line
qft.. was gonna point this out but didnt want to seem like one of them little kids :P
might wanna change the bit in the OP about the HUD being yellow, its blue now. just sayin :D EDIT: oh and the ridicule, that was a glitch in the...
qft. i've left and come back multiple times not because of prizes but because i can have a place to showcase my work and participate in contests.
oh my that first one is beautiful.. she looks like shes coming from the embers
i like that, but i think it has too much detail to work as a small piece
you send it in .gif or .jpeg format to
lol chubby hand! and as for the other, i really like that one.. too bad you cant submit :(
Sig Rotator
lol thinka something bungie would like. something strange. submitted it anyways lol
[IMG] arg! i wish this could be one (made this in like 10 minutes), wouldnt it be sweet to show your a forger? i made a thread in the reach... : Bungie Weekly Update: 01.22.10 : 1/22/2010 4:53 PM PST scroll down a bit, but check it. you get to create an emblem, that the...
i say they both work prety well.. i guess i like the bigger of the two best
hmm i would submit them all.. but maybe it would be easier to just submit a full/half star. and im not sure.. katanga got his accepted.. i would...
hm yeah i would say a text sized one but also one in between.. those look too.. huge. it seems like something about half that size would be...
[IMG] GnA Report Blog Hello and Welcome to the GnA Report Discussion and Submission thread! Let's start off by explaining for those who haven't...
what my suggestion isnt good enough for ya? haha jk alright sounds good