thanks and thanks! yeah i was really disappointed.. actually our camera died as i was going to take the picture lol
Kicking Horse Mtn Panorama by ~Kumbric on deviantART [IMG] (looks better when zoomed out..) went to kicking horse B.C. this weekend and didnt...
pretty cool, i like how the smaller one's fractals make it look like hes in the jungle.
sharpening the heli would do nothing to it. it is too low of a quality picture.. plus it is already blurred from the movement. honestly, the best...
very beautiful colours, i love the flow of the water too. good job
very nice use of fractals! i personally like the first one because its not so crowded. colours are good but it seems like theres not much to it...
aye! forever!
not much to say about this one, but, i can see the flow (though mainly on the left side) and i wanted to say that the guy is AWESOME
aye! thats one of my favourite movies atm.. its inspired me so much!
simple and pretty. i like it, although i would have separated the white BG part from the body with maybe a slightly lighter gray bg. love the...
awesome colours and wireframe were the first i noticed. meh i don't like the text as much in this one.. maybe its the rounded edge font, but...
thats the point. you are only supposed to know that there is a body found, and then she starts saying this. it makes you curious and want to keep...
oh awesome maybe il watch that tomorrow too.. thanks Kb!
sorry conker lol.. and thanks grave, all taken into consideration as you had told me before. as for the thing about the time travelers wife, i...
oh they aren't? but they arent transparent though right?
that would be amazing! its just like i was suggesting a year or so ago... check this idea out... Everyone wants Coagulation and blood gulch...
oooh interesting concept, and i was about to say that maybe this could play out like that one level in call of duty that ive seen where your a...
Here's a recent work of mine, en memorium of a friend of mine who passed away December 22, in a ski accident. I wrote this from the perspective of...
lawl thanks rofl.. i gotta agree, i'm about to. i always love cncing your sigs Pigglez. well lets get started.... --- My likes: colour scheme,...
i like this and was hoping i could comment on it... first thing, i've created filmstrips before, and i think they definetly look better if you...