Has anyone though? ;)
I take it you've read/heard some of Watts's stuff?
Beyond Entertainment, it's made up of some of the old thc staff Beyond Entertainment <- click
So I was creepin'... BE guys hacked thc and redirected the site to BE. that was fixed soon after but the site's still offline
NlBBS. These songs. You are the man.
Actually no I hadn't until earlier. Same as you though- I decided to check out that link of yours and was pleasantly surprised. Really incredible...
Hahah, awesome. How about 2 hours from now? Need to take care of a few things around my place first :p
Whhaaaat, you're alive?!?! Man, it's been awhile. Let me know when you wanna xbox
You didn't mean, like... 2 am, right? :P
I'll be there.
Whenever you want, babe.
xbox today possibru?
Hahaha, I was wondering if you were going see that :P But yea, I've been on a Halo break the last couple days. I'm actually moving back to my...
Yooo. So I was bored yesterday and checked out shelby again, I ended up making some edits..... Can I show you sometime?