Nice job man. It prob would have been even cooler if you would have made some of the single wide parts into double wide parts. I love the...
I don't really care are about bumps and DL numbers. I would rather have no comment unless it talked about the map and game play.
No way. The map is done. Are you insane? Why does just about everyone always say the same thing? Aesthetic this, plain that.. If you read my other...
Thanks man! It's not really a race map. It's a Rally map. I like to come up with themes for all my maps. I usually forge with a purpose in mind. A...
No dont remove the effects. Why should he cause you said so? So he is going to make a v2 jus so you dont have to look at the effects? Thats the...
Fyi smm2010 already remade Blockfort. You should check it out, it is really fun. Nice map. I will dl and get some BT going in this. It pretty open...
Thanks. I don't really agree though. We played last night and the gameplay was great. Knowing the short cuts and the layout of the map really...
Yes. The front ramp leads to the under water section. Driving is no problem under there. Just slow down for a split second right as you enter the...
Pirates Cove Savage Tracks Official Game Variants Pirates Cove is a brand new Savage Tracks map built on the outside of forgeworld. You will...
I have better things to do then fight with a little punk like you. Now piss off.
Go to hell you little *****.
I have taken dumps worth more than you. You are such a little looser. Keep posting crap a my wall you little fuk, i will just laugh at you. You...
F youR mom
Iidont think they can add new game types to Reach that the code has not already been written. I still dont understand why they took it out for...
We should all start a petition to bring back VIP for Halo 4. Everyone misses the original BT. A lot of people miss Asset as well. We need to...
Thanks! How did you like the map? It works great with 10-12 players. Just dont play lasers against smm. He is too good:)
No AA's for Halo 4. No no no.. Lets being halo back to halo. No gimmics! Just plain halo. I hope 343 doesnt make Halo 4 another little kiddy game...
Looks great man. I love the colors and the face! Incredibe detail on all the weapons and armor. You have a gift. I hope to see this featured. 5/5
Amazing! I played it the other night with a 12 player party and it was super fun. It worked perfect for Battle Tracks! The track was forged nicely...
I thought of the idea of a multi ball bonus! That would be so epic. If i ever make another pinball table i would like to put that in. I also like...