Yeah, I was just in a bad mood cause of a few let downs. I wasn't sure if you were messing with me or not. My bad. I do like to make mini games...
Yeah, Masta came up with the idea. I already had the idea of using to or three goals next to each other, but Masta built it in forge and spaced it...
Yeah, they messed up Infection really bad. I am really just as upset as Race being gone as Infection being half broken. I was working on an...
We already made Race. It uses KOTH. The only problem is FFA is garbage cause of a million reasons. Next team racing works but we had to make the...
Too late. And you are taking my post out of context. What I am trying to say is, no matter how great the forge pieces are, or how great the ease...
I don't know if you are trying to just be funny or trying to give me a hard time cause I am pissed about a half broken game that I waited a year...
Well the OP title says, Anyone else disappointed with forge? I am, and have stated my opinion with my response. I think you are the one off topic...
Yeah, but the custom game options are next to useless and most of the good game variants have been taken out. So who cares about the forge and...
I hate 343 as of now. They completely ruined all the custom game options. It feels like they tacked on Forge at the last second. We need to let...
Sure. I will be on all day today. I made the same game as you the other night. It's not great but a least it's a way to Race, better than nothing....
343 can suck on a big fat one. They ruined Halo 4. They took out all the good games types. This makes no sense to me. I want my money back. Even...
Cool idea but the round would end when the final score was reached. In other words you would never know what lap you are on and you would see the...
Hey guys DREAM here.. I am more than disapointe that 343 took out the Race & VIP game type. I was up for a good two hours last night trying to...
Yeah but not on forge world. That is the problem.
Yeah I hope they bring pallets back!! They made halo infection and a lot of mini games more fun.
I hope they bring back firebombs so I can remake Arson Street!
Thats bc you guys are bumping a map that's almost a year old.
Thanks for the info on the date. I love Halo 3! I have recently thought about trying to get some custom games going again. I will be on for this...
Wait what?? This track has no jump. What map are you talking about? Nice work as always man! You are the best race track maker in the world. I...
Yeah Paul, I love that man cannon you placed at the bottom that makes you fly back up onto the ship. The way you angled it was so perfect. I don't...