Wait what lol?
Thanks. The viewing deck went through like three designs. I was messing with different pieces and decided on this. It looks very close to a real...
Thanks Zombie. I hope you like the map. The whole point of the map was to be an oval. It's for people who enjoy Nascar style competitive racing. I...
Thanks for the comment! I worked hard on this map and no one commented on any of the sites. Thanks again! I hope you enjoy the map:)
Ocean Speedway Ocean Speedway is my new track on Forge Island. The tracks features a 12 banked angle. The lap is about 32 seconds in length. The...
Particle Loop Particle loop is my new Race track on Impact. The track includes banked waves, drops & features a loop. The map works well with...
Saw this on HaloTracks. Looks good. I like how it's a boat and a track. Nice one.
You posted the links from photo-bucket. Take out the IMG. or put [url]
Games updated
Battle Tracks Battle Tracks is back in Halo 4. The following tutorial is to help you set up your track to work with Battle Tracks game...
I had to use Bravo to get it to work. Just save and then start a new round. It's sad that 343 didn't take notice of this. I think they were trying...
I am still confused about what you are saying. I tired what you said as well a little while back and every round after the first was always the...
Can I have a link to this information please?
I tried your idea when Halo 4 first came out. I did pretty much the same thing. The problem I had was the initial spawn point was not random. In...
I made this exact game on Halo 3. The problem is they took out one flag so you will have to have two flags and it might mess things up.
I played your RR and made my own as well. The real problem is I had to kick 2 people from my lobby cause they were driving two different mongooses...
Yeah, 343 is a joke. It's like they released a half done game just to cash in on big profits. If they don't start patching things and or at least...
I think your SOL. The round is not going to end in KOTH when you run out of lives. Another mistake by 343. I though of a game just like this the...