What's the population again? From 400k to 25k? Doesn't seem like a whole lot of the people who tried Halo 4 agree with you..
Boxes! Boxes everywhere! TBH Behemoth, I'm not impressed at all with this one. You've made far better maps than this. Sorry to be so blunt.
Ten voting options is broken with 18 voters. Everything is tied. Three voting options next time around, pretty please? :)
That comment was from a long time ago, the thread died and was resurrected. Anyways, I'm not the biggest fan of the incin cannon because of the...
OMG DOJU IS ON FORGEHUB also 4v4 variant called Weezing?!?
1. pillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars everywhere 2. What's that line in between the two areas at the top left marked 4? 3. Swiss cheese, man. It seems...
So.. what half wasn't a dog?
@Audience, Chronmeister Thanks :))) @Eightball Thanks, man. I remember a few games on Pendant where I got absolutely wrecked... :p I've gotten...
Great feedback. I agree about the rocks. Reminds me of a Reach map that had the same problem... Midas? idk. @Ripshade It looks like Dharma is...
Whoops, I think you misunderstood. I was trying to say that because the map is pretty much orthogonal, the lines of sight on the map are all...
Gratz @ all of the winners. They are all highly deserving. Just one thing - @basket - slow down and talk louder. I had to strain to follow what...
This map won't have any callout problems if Blaze is promoting it as a 1v1. Anyways @fated #offtopic, Titan has callouts. They're just not obvious...
Overkill, could you please change my username to "theSpinCycle"? That's my username on every other website and it's starting to bug me :p
it's OK, the Ark is the embodiment of meta itself. sorry, couldn't help myself. Also congrats @ fated for this getting tested by Ghost for TTD.
tyrant = metagross
Yes. Meta. You want it to spread. Trust me.
lol swat Sorry man, still haven't managed to get a game on this :( You know what my initial impressions were already so I won't repost them....
[media] Great post.
map looks too large I have no idea what to call the boat map yet, probably won't do Armada as it rather quaint right now. It is essentially one...
Titan "Time slowed to a standstill here millenia ago..." By SpinCycle and Hahka (thealm0ndkiller and Hahkarazy) [IMG] Loadout camera...