These blogs are amazing. It's great to get such a deep insight into the mind of the developer of one of my favorite games.
hey, I see you're active on the site again :) good to see you!
The bottom mid is very exposed; crossing the bottom floor might be difficult without sprint, especially with that gap in the floor. Also, a lot of...
Cool stuff. Interested to see how Zenith will work out. Heard Stonetown has FPS problems so that might be difficult to do. Also hoping OS gets...
I haven't seen chrs in a long time.
Apparently (thanks @SecretSchnitzel) the spawn zones in H2A don't allow you to set sided spawns properly. Your best option is to color all of the...
Word from Bravo is that there's a workaround for not seeing people's fileshares: 'Temp workaround: If they've played campaign, you can access the...
3 min snipers and 4 min energy sword is absolutely nuts. Energy sword comes up 3 times a match. Snipers four times. Wow. With a faster killing...
Dear halo scientists: H5 BR killtime: 1.34s H5 DMR killtime: 1.46s Figures calculated frame by frame by Doju.
Pretty sure that was in the stream @SilentA98 or in one of those associated youtube videos people are throwing out now edit: looking around, not...
Turns out that it's a forge map. Looks super clean for a forge map.
The pink is meh. I think it'll get way too noisy quickly too. I like the textures from the first reveal, though.
That new map might just have beta textures. I wouldn't want to be an artist doing up a map all pretty for a beta, only to hear that the players...
What's up, STL?
+1 for that, great gif
Ugh. The lack of CE at launch is lame. I imagine at launch it would have attracted a lot of people for the novelty of playing the first Halo game,...
Damn, that's lame.. :(
Hoping the newer build fixes the lighting glitches and opaque water. Other than that this is great!! I have high hopes for these terrain pieces.
Can't wait for IGN to show what H2A forge will look like. Seeing cubes with 6 faces makes me think that 343 knows what's up... I think a lot of...
Go ESL!! Nice to see a major gaming organization finally step in after MLG dropped Halo. I hope ESL running Halo events will turn into a regular...