Super duper hype mode engaged!
Still can't get over that you remembered this sketch after years... looks almost unrecognizable from when it was me and @Dax 's triangle map..
Glad to see you plan on entering :D As to why the contest deadline was set to February - we want to give entrants a decent chunk of time to get...
This is beautiful. But what happened to 5 and top snipe? And OS spawn? And snipe window? :p Curious Edit: misread reimagination as remake, lol.
Reach forge is going to be pretty cool to have back. I wonder how it'll match up performance wise on the Xbox One... Also -- when I saw this I...
Heck yeah, more map previews. The single-color palette is giving me a bit of trouble understanding what's exactly going on - hopefully it'll be...
Hype mode engaged :D
Looks pretty neat Dax. Also nice to see you around.. it's been such a long time man.
I'll start off! It would be great to have an option to limit the maximum size of a lobby. Another nice one would be options to modify individual...
Josh mentioned on the TeamBeyond forums that he would like a custom game option wishlist -- so if there's a neat option you would like Halo 5 to...
Awesome find :D
Hey man, glad to see you're back! :D We had a nice PM convo about this before, but as you pointed out it's a good idea to let everyone know what...
Tried Dark Souls for the first time last Wednesday and I just gotta say, holy cow, a dark souls-inspired map. That game is so vertical... sheesh.
Sad news about the channel indeed. THFE was a great way for people to see new maps and also for people to learn about forging. I'm glad you two...
LostHunter, sounds great but How did you manage all of those curves? (pictures please!!!)
Looks hot Chron. I can't unsee the face in the last picture, though :P
Lol thanks. A little stalled on dancefloor and piece usage now though :( The perennial struggles...
Oh god... memories of hiding on Ark :)
Nice update mate. Keep an eye out for player options and keep pumping out more map, I'm curious to see what you'll do with the rest of the map.
Neat-looking stuff man! Erupt hit the nail on the head. I'd like to add, however that those catwalks are very long too. Say you use the grav...