Is he still playing there? I thought he played five days and that was it. Either way, unfortunately I probably won't be able to, its hard to get...
Haha yeah, no kidding. Amazing. NICE! I'm probably just going to the one in Albany with deadmau5, The Crystal Method, LA Riots, and La...
Thanks guys. And yeah, you might not be the biggest fan of the mau5's music, but there are few artists that popular who are as nice as that.
This happened where I live and it was pretty amazing, so I thought I'd share. One of the first friends I made when I moved from Michigan to...
I have had the worst week ever :( nuff said!
Detroit totally raped the Chiefs last night 48-3! 16-0 WOOOO!!! Also, gonna be watching Detroit vs Patriots sometime this season on Monday Night...
Detroittttt!!! Winning that first game, I see a winning season ahead of us! :D
You guys should play with me. Insane54 :D
THIS. Brilliant game, I always bring it up as my main source in the argument for if video games are art. If any game is art, it's that.
I'm not stuff here anymore sorry DX
It's not that rare, I think, girls are just afraid to because when they try it's all "OMFG ITS A GIRL!!!" so they either make their gamertag...
Miss you too man haha :P
Killllll ;d
Inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke Hi. Welcome, n stuff. Inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke...
\o flr
Shouldn't be, but I dont know for sure.
sup g?
It's an inside joke for those really old members out there :D Oh, and welcome bro
Did someone say "memes and inside jokes?!" [img] [img]