for those who understand the below, i applaud you [img] back in the day, this thread would have been locked before it was even posted, needs more...
[img] ...fml.
amggggggg that game was freakin amazing <3 i can't wait for summer when i'll actually have time to play Xbox again
Sounds good man
i was thinkin bout *****
I really don't think you can choose what you like or not, if you believe in it you cant just pick and choose. I definitely don't see how you can...
not in the Bible he wasn't ;) he had a mother and father
Sorry to diverge from the topic (carbon dating is about as solid a theory as it gets, FYI - I'm sure if you search deep enough you can find...
[img] He's got a point guys!
Carbon dating is about as much science as it gets. It's technically a theory, because it's TECHNICALLY not provable. But, if you're getting the...
Uhhh... to be totally honest, I haven't... I've met knowledgable Christians and chill Christians, but none that are both. These guys gave me a...
[img] Awesomeness about taking the bible too literally o/
Lol yes I did :3
Vicious! I will be in NYC on the 13th, probably going here if I can get things arranged: Session 73, 1359 1st Ave, New York, NY 10021 Meet up and...
WUB WUB WUB by Aaron - DJ Mixtape and Mixset - Mixcrate
Yes. Yes. Yes, with the 343 Industries branch of Microsoft.
My roommate is definitely a guy... I ended up switching it for an identical chair (albeit, not pissed upon) in the lounge. Not that it matters,...
Thanks man. Yeah, hes been put down as a sellout for a long time but after this, I'm like "what an amazing person". Really rare that famous people...
Last night: So, I'm talking to my girlfriend on Skype and we're just like lolling around and whatever. Anyway, my roommate comes back with some...