No, it's not. I could put together parts, but I don't have the engineering skills of Apple. I've put together lots of computers, in fact. Look at...
It's not about having the right tools for the job, it's about being professional. Just like a brand name pressed white shirt and a tailored brand...
You make good points on the Apple issue, really explain how I feel very well. Would you mind if I copy pasta'd that into discussions I have about...
TLDR: you need to understand the value of engineering. Apple invents things, it holds many, many patents. How many of those they use, I don't...
Higher resolution != lower resolution, things look nicer and crisper. If you're referring to Apple, you are, indeed, paying a large extra fee...
In the end, these computers are luxury products. It's true, we don't need giant graphics cards and we don't need SSD drives and we don't need...
Sure it does. Computers support that resolution, some games aren't quite to that level of resolution, but it's essentially maximizing your...
RAM issue is true, but the screen is so beautiful though O.O
Oh, interesting. Not a big fan of major companies buying smaller specialized companies, it kinda gets rid of a lot of the big competitiveness (ATI...
Lol, I'm jealous of you guys. Either way, I know my computer parts pretty damn well (especially after my computer architecture & design classes),...
ATI makes Radeon GPUs btw
I suppose, but in the end, it's gonna be item based, even AP champs are no good without their good items (though AD might be more dependent). I...
Yeah, that's what I've been thinking, but I'm not sure what to get first, or at all, I might just wait on it. A new screen is some $75, a 4GB...
I would argue there's considerably more options/possibilities, hence more depth in DotA/HoN. There's many more playstyles available. There's some...
dv6t laptop, should be fine from what I've heard, but maybe I'm wrong. Overall, I need a laptop, not a desktop. I do the vast majority of my...
So, I just bought a new laptop recently and I didn't notice a computer thread (I'm sure there's one buried somewhere). The point isn't really to...
There's basically four 'trees' in HoN/DotA setups, it allows for a much deeper experience. More levels, more options, more difficult setup. It's...
Been playing a lot of this over the last year (almost 300 wins) with my girlfriend. Great game, but sometimes it just gets old... you kinda hit...
mostly in the secret post-bumping forum though!