I'm not a big fan of Spirit Visage on him actually. I just try to stack Warmogs+a FoN for epic health regen and basically makes me impossible to...
Recent major builds for me: -pure AP Amumu, jungle -AD carry Varus, bottom -Hybrid carry Jax, top/jungle -pure AP Zilean, mid -RoA Singed,...
I figure this is a little offtopic, but whatever, it's kinda computer-related. This is what forums are for anyway, discussions :p Anyway, I don't...
For those interested in the HP dv6t - I believe I've figured out the speaker problem where I was experiencing crackling noises particularly in the...
Haha epic edit Peg XD I've been meaning to play SC2 but I've gotten way too into Skyrim in the short time I've had this computer (nearly 28 hours...
Apple's multitouch system is much better than any I've ever used on any windows computer, and it handles particularly well in programs like...
I've had both, and had a better time on the Mac. Multi-touch is nicely integrated, as well as integration with the OS, and Apple products are well...
lol, probably true. I dunno bro. As a wise man once said (about specialization systems): "dat **** cray".
This should probably have a spoiler tag on the title, just sayin.
QFT, bro
What we're talking about in this thread mostly has been gaming rigs - when we're doing that, the bottleneck is the GPU first, and hyperthreading...
Well yeah, as the line on every Apple product says: "Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China." I'm not much one to not buy a computer...
I don't think Macs are necessarily *easier* - they make more sense to me, and I have a whole lot of experience in all popular OSs and distros. OS...
I've heard about it being particularly bad against using up your processor speed and such...do you experience that? Remember, my computer is a...
Yeah but it is buying it. Again, I only remember when it was considered the most amazing, fantastic piece of software ever invented, and thoughts...
Saw this on newegg today, Kaspersky for free, essentially: Newegg.com - KASPERSKY lab Pure 2.0 - 3 User Now, I remember Kaspersky being...
From what I understand, the basic advantage of i7 is a nicely designed chip for a lower CPI by using hyperthreading. If you're using a program...
A lot of people will tell you to build one..personally I found little to no difference between parts and straight from HP, but that's a choice for...
I totally agree. One of the only things that REALLY bothers me about this computer is the choice of some cheaper parts, especially the speakers....
That's not true at all, to be honest. People with the money to upgrade, do so. However, you are absolutely not expected to upgrade. In fact, their...