You'll have to clean some space from your PMs so i can reply to you <3
Awesome man! Just make sure that you express yourself in an intelligent and put-together way, and you should have no reason to worry about it. If...
It's always been like that, though. Change is scary when you're the one who needs to pull the trigger, I've been there plenty and understand that,...
Haha, ah yes the grimy underbelly of the power of "infractions"... it's always bothered me -- something to be fixed at some point around here, I...
I think everyone really has to speak up and show how important it is that we get this community rolling again. I've held back for a long time for...
DUDE I don't have Xbox Live anymore, but WHATS UP MAN. PM me! :D
Things could be better, obviously, but I really like what Obama's done. It's so unbelievably silly to be like "OMGAWD OBAMA DIDNT DO...
lol yes! The next iteration will happen... it willlll
THIS WAS SO SAD :< saddest video ever '12
The problem with these videos is that I've always seen them presented in a very non-abstracted way. Showing how something works is great and all,...
but if there's a good way to do it that you can come up with, I'm more than welcome to work on it. That would involve more than just me, though...
To be honest, I think the most that needs to be done is change up some examples/pictures to Reach and maybe add a little, unless there was some...
I vaguely recall your name being on my friends list at one point or another. Hey there.
Thankee. I don't do any official game design work, just made a few maps (in Halo 3, lol) and know a good amount about map design and I'm asked for...
Try a notebook, and leave the design you've been thinking about most open. I tended to do that when designing my maps, even if I didn't think...
personally, the ONLY time I'll consider flat MR is when I'm playing mid against a good early game AP champ, and that's pretty damn rare. Even...
I believe you get Tier III runes when you hit level 20, not 30 (correct me if I'm wrong here, it's been a while..). Tier I at level 1 till 10,...
Rengar has not been banned in one game I've played either...O.O Lots of bans on Darius and Diana, though. From what I've seen, both are much...
I have not seen a single good Rengar, but I've only played a few games since he's come out. I've seen him in maybe three of them, and every time...