The current situation is very unfortunate and sad. I really do hope to see FH bounce back somehow -- good luck, guys!
why hello there sir!
or umass amherst
Possibly worth it if you're going into an engineering field, Drexel is well regarded for it
lololol, RIGHT?! And then they go "hey, you got a 10K/year scholarship!" and it's like "well that would be nice... if your school wasn't 50+K/year...
nice nice :D
What are you in now? computer engineering is EXTREMELY difficult and math-heavy, but if you can hack it, it's so rewarding. I wanna go back to...
O.o wut? When I applied to college I was going for computer engineering (very different) but have since then switched to software engineering... i...
i made my own website brewwww
happy birthday yo
It did, we're dealing with some SYN floods atm. Should be mostly fixed now!
Offtopic has really gotten more mature lately, huh??? :P
hit me up sometime soon bro big things are coming
Just curious, I have some ideas and I'm trying to find people who play a ton of custom games! Any ideas who might be good?
How often do you play custom games on H4?
Interesting. Good stuff guys! :)
any text-based chat works :)
I'd like to pitch you some thoughts I have sometime after tonight -- got skype? (for text chat atm; mine's Insane540)
youre officially old! happy birthday!
Here's what I understand from the situation, hopefully I can clarify things. Think about each spawn point as a number regarding its "weight",...