Ok im going to make a video today and DAMN this is so hard
Did you notice the B&W transition from the left to right? I tries to make it pop out more, but no luck.
Well I made this with not tutorial, like my second one I think? Well Cnc it. :D [IMG]
Well this map im going to do my video on is like a maze which takes 4-5 hours depending on difficulty.
Lol. Its settles I'm going to make one every Friday/Thursday 10 mins long, untill i beat it.
Well wouldn't like 5 minutes a day still worth it? Or would like 10 minute video every Monday and Friday be good?
I think I'm going to start a video series. Let's Play Minecraft Dungeon. It's this labyrinth map and it takes like 4 hours to beat on normal. Ok...
Whatcha mean by dated? When the Group/Ship was made/finished?
Hotheaded prick? Don't you think those words are a tad complicated for you?
I hope your joking right? Because if you weren't then your pretty retarded. Btw made a new Sig. Cnc It :D...
That was super sick. And yeah i got bored of it, was just too overwhelming and I needed my social life back... lol. So i gave up on it.
Site seems to be more alive to me? Somany new rookies.... -Cough-Cough- Vince -Cough- Jk Vince :D
I will try and find it. Thanks Defy
Took the idea of a Tutorial. Cnc Please :D [IMG]
But he didn't? He said I ****ing Love Minecraft.... Not **** YOU MINECRAFT Your Crashed My Cp..... Read A Little More, don't Skip.
Well u can keep the map....It griefed like hell now. But you can still use it and make your own rp. Good luck as with no admins online. Thread...
Hey why am i not an admin?
You know i could be a little loose, but i cant do that with people who cant get the rules right. And i only act that way too you. Rule: No...