Ya i know..... Are you on?
You should have really read my post (2 above you asking how you made your mc look like that -_-)
Many of you will like, feel free to use it to, .... with permission. Ok and i promise this will be my last for today... If i dont get bored....
Alright, Bro. I'll be on tomorrow. Im going to be on skype too. Oh man this is exciting. Have you built a home yet?
I believe this will be my last one for the day... Well, Because Kim Is ****ing hot, I had to do one. Cnc Please. [IMG]
Alright Cool.
Lol really? Haven't played Pokemon that much, might get it for my Iphone.
Text was their for design. I tried to copy the Newspaper Sig Tutorial from imagenskins, But i ended up getting a different design.
I use "Turn Off System" Attack. Owner: JayRockn Its your turn. Jayrockn: Jay,,,, Jayrockn AHHHHHHHHH Owner: Oh **** wrong Attack ****...
Here is the link. dokus' RPG texture pack [V.1.2 RELEASED]!! 09/09 - Official Minecraft Forums To Install Follow This Guide (Created By ME) You...
Idk, Doesnt look that much different. Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/3rp1000406ax7j
Hey Want to have a Gna Battle? Call the Effects/stock/render. Not to take it personal but Its cuz I'm bored and want to vs someone. Ps. Welcome To...
Dun Dun Dun DUUUUUUN Camofo battlez me naoz. Seriously though, call the rules/effects/renders or what not. I'm bored right now and want to vs....
Found it. Plus the way i did the Blurs/Brightness (not really brightness, used something else.) Made it look like a toy to me and I was like...
Hey I was just donating to godcraft, and i was looking at the requests and say you. That's sick. Well im waiting for my request to be approved,...
Check this server out... GodCraft Online | "Don't just play it, build it!" I GOT IN :D
Since no one decided to battle me... I just went ahead and made it....
Since no one decided to Battle me on this one, I decided to just show off my Work. Cnc please, Note that it is suppose to look like a Diorama....
Someone, Vs. me in a GnA Battle. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/g-contests/108699-battle-me.html