Anyone have a server I can join?
Ummm Yogscast Reference ^?
I believe he already stated that Minecraft will never be finished, he will continue to work on it till the game slowly dies on itself.
Join MC.HAKASLAK.COM Really great PVP server.
Minecraft Servers at
Just to show you guys what I have been doing. It's a really planned out server, that will probably be released by February. Protogenoi:...
Etania [Empires] [Rp] [Jobs] - Minecraft Forums Just to let everyone know.
Your going to turn in "MineCraft" Photos to school as hw/project? Ummm.... What grade are u in?
Damn... I didnt even check the price... That's alot..... Well provisionhost is usefull
I have some knowledge on Vps servers. Don't Use Mynecraft, Use the current Provider Craft Hub uses or Use provision host. I use them and they are...
My Friend And I Joined Craft Hub Server. We Started Our Own Little Fort. It's Sick. Pics and MAYBE a Video Later. Btw Anyone Interested In...
This made my day. I know it will make yours :D YouTube - In Search of Diamonds (Minecraft / Music Video) Btw do you guys want me to host a...
Sure... Is this in Reach?
Anyone want to run a server but doesn't host? Well i currently have a vps sitting around doing nothing. I canceled it so i have three more weeks...
Gratz, I check up on there daily and I read the new writers post and I saw you. Gratz. Btw can u post the link here to the Post that made you win.
umm server goes back on today, [REDACTED] dos us because there jeaolus
He does have untill Midnight. He said he is releasing it today. Well it really matter on your time zone.
who here is a part of Godcraft? Well except COMMANDERMATT and I?
So true
sigh... No Godcraft Today... Btw COMANDERMATT Let's make something cool in Ladera.