StickyMan. Don't confuse the American countriy as the same as American citizens. Those guys are just a bit too proud and defensive of their...
You're facing one guy the whole time, and he's just randomly charging you. You also have the sniper and shotgun. 1/5 The one for actually...
I highly doubt that would even work. They're quite tired from all these remakes. I don't think anyone of them would have the stamina to fix or...
Oh, so what's the um, well I don't know, government taxes being used for? Certainly not for a military, as you have so kindly stated. There's no...
**** you, photoshop. Very, very, very very, high quality on both. Not much to say otherwise.
It's not so much as to which country is in power, but rather that there is no other country that is willing to help out those who are being...
THAT'S what she said. Yes, set that server up.
Considering the fact that the whole piece is smudged, I'd say yes. I don't know how you could put more smudging. Why would you worry about the...
If you want it to look less repetitive, then I think the sensible idea would be to go with LESS smudging, yes? It's an experiment. Why the hell...
I don't.
Pegasi, you obviously don't know how to camp. Camping doesn't mean staying in one spot the whole game, it means consistently waiting, flanking,...
No, I don't play sucky kids. I play WITH sucky kids. And people who quit. I don't camp unless I know I can't rely on my teammates. Otherwise I AM...
If you want it hand drawn, then ask Felipe Dos. GREAT artist. If you want it digitally done, check in the G&A shops section.
And I disagree. Many of you guys forget that there are several play styles. Being close range, long range, or standard. Some people are better at...
THANK you Chuck. Glad to see someone agrees with me. Focus rifle is beast, and if used right it is a great "lone wolf" weapon; if I had to choose...
Your avatar is a corgi. :>
Mine wouldn't. -coolface-
Halo. : Halo Reach : File Details Invincible. I died ONCE. ONCE. I could have gotten another perfection.
Nope. But this is me; It sucked balls. I'll admit that you actually had some grammar. Some. I mean right at the beginning. "She saw a small...