SURVEYOR played 27.8.13 This is your best map yet in terms of layout and movement. Its dark and a bit spooky which is good, but I think you should...
Putting my feedback into their appropriate threads now. Go look for yours. If i cant find a preview thread it will appear here in this thread.
Yeah i agree, i will definitely be setting up some ricochet in the next lobby. Its so so similar to Grifball but i find grifball repetitive as...
Good lobby guys! Played some cool new maps; and some crazy new gametypes too ;-)
Actually you are both right, he didnt say he wasnt going to play with us anymore just that he wasnt posting on here. And memberships for tcoj dont...
Just to make sure everyone knows- probably very old news now- Anotherclaymore will no longer be joining us on these nights as he feels unable to...
Maximus, you seem to be doing pretty well here, just keep playing and testing and dont be worried about chucking maps together for tcoj- there is...
Thanks Nutduster. Sounds fun!! s0uldier, added. Maximus, added.
All added, removed etc. Squeak, what is your GT? is it DB Sqeak?
Hey man, can you help me remove all of the links and prefixes stuff at the top of my TCOJ thread? I couldn't figure out how to post it without all...
[IMG] This is the signup thread for The tuesday night TCOJ lobby! Do You like playing Halo 4? Yes? Good. Do you like customs? Yes? Good! Do you...
Hello, Chunk. Could you possibly unpin the TCOJ thread from the top of the WIP section so I can start another one in it's place? Anotherclaymore...
@Claymore; we love you man. There is always a spot for you in my lobby.
Played tuesday 20th for TCOJ. Although we got horribly stomped upon it was a lot of fun. After several minutes distiinct tactics began to appear...
No you have been banned. Lol, fixed sorry bout that!!! What was i thinking??
Definitely the most competitive map you have made, Chron. Seems to be built around fast-paced CTF from the ground up. Hope to play this a few more...
Good works bro's. I have something new for you all that will be a big departure from my usual shizz. Think paintball, without the bruises or the...
TCOJ Tuesday Night Testing Lobby @ 7pm EST AUGUST 20th [IMG] Hello all, this is the Signup thread for the TCOJ lobby of Tuesday AUGUST 20th...
Don't you mean; [IMG] The map looks great by the way. Lots of Meta! Green looks particularly cool
Got ya.