This map plays so different from all the maps being cranked out lately. It isn't you're average forge map, and with that being said, well done. It...
*Updated to include videos*
Absolutely perfect.:popcorn:
They aren't just cause I didn't want multiple people forging on the same map.. but I could show you them tomorrow or asap
I could prob make videos, I just don't wanna spend my whole day doing that right now. And there aren't really layouts set in stone, i tend to make...
Here are 3 unfinished maps that I am saying goodbye to. I completely love how original they all are, but I just don't have the will or time to...
If you need help testing toss me an invite, looks like a cool map!
This is what always should have been done. Remember that one Bungie day where there were tons of forge maps in a single playlist? That was...
Yeah it definitely has been brought up by a few people, skwelly was prob the least civil about it though. Especially how contradicting,...
Love the concept, don't see it working well, however I had thought about mixing invasion and firefight into a game somehow. Scripted levels and AI...
I find myself all too often having to explain that neither I nor Multi, feel as though we are better than anyone. It is simply something you've...
Okay people. Again, I am in no way saying that I'm better than anyone, I am in no way saying metal is the only acceptable way to forge, I am in no...
"Throne of Kings" "Behemoth" "Onyx" All 3 are metal maps, none are what you describe. I really don't agree that you can only make 2 style maps....
I totally understand and appreciate everybodys comments. My original post was made because it seemed as though no matter what we were able to...
First I'd like to say I am in no way trying to **** on concrete blocks. before MCC was even announced I was hoping we would get concrete blocks. I...
Trust me, you aren't the root of this post. A few people complain about metal but never offer valid reasoning, so I decided to throw out the...
@Blaze: I totally understand what you mean by the darkness and shadows, but like Frost just said, on skyward that isn't an issue at all. I admit...
Today I want to talk about forge maps and their textures. Lately, the majority of the forgehub community seems to oppose maps made entirely of...
I think what I love most about this map is that it is so unlike everything that anybody makes nowadays. I could see how some people would be...
I appologize that my whole post was percieved to be a simple bashing post. It wasn't. The last line of my post was the only thing I found rude...