We will be able to experiment more with vertical environments, otherwise maps won't change all too much. Just play them differently.
Much appreciated man :) Multi and I always strive to make things look as good as they can, of course keeping in mind framerate and budget. We have...
I must say that I never got a good test on this map, either somebody had quit or connection was terrible. However the whole thing is very unique...
Hands down one of my favorite maps entered to the contest. I still say it reminds me slightly of Isolation! Which nobody takes as a good thing...
Hahahah ^ I will say this map was great to test every weekend in the lobbies. The initial sniper battle was really well executed. Bottom middle...
@Martian - Yeah I didn't mean all infection maps need their own gametypes, I just think if you're trying to do something out of the ordinary it...
The title fits all across the board. I know he didn't show pictures of infection maps or anything but the exact principals apply. He is telling...
I've been craving this since Halo 3, its really a genius idea but I don't see it happening, considering we haven't even had a solid file browser...
Olympus Given To Fly 93 / MultiLockOn 1 Flag CTF Given To Fly 93 Map Thread [MEDIA] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Given To Fly submitted a new map: O L Y M P U S - Olympus is a forerunner spire looming over a downward sloped valley. Designed specifically for...
Reading all of the feedback posted in this thread along with what I heard after testing sessions was a tremendous help! Realizing the main...
Its nice to get feedback on older maps, makes me feel like the community is back again. Much appreciated Zan!
Halo 4 tried copying Call of Duty, Halo 5 will try to copy Titanfall. Halo 6 will just be Destiny.
Given To Fly submitted a new map: Conviction - Designed to pay homage to iconic maps such as Guardian and Lockout. Beware of my terrible...
Beware of my terrible commentary. Anyway this is one of the first maps I finished in H2A. I had decided to take an extended leave from forge...
I can understand the changes you made for framerate sake, but the map now suffers from open-ness. Try adding trees. 2 Stars. :doublekill:
Just want to state that none of my satements in this post should be taken as insults, or a bias for the map. With that out there, lets talk about...
Basically, I've started a new job where i'm constantly working, and have MUCH less free time. So I haven't been on Halo much lately, not to...