Excuse me mawfuckah?
success! =D
ill try again O.O
now it says file too big or sumfin O.O
well explain to me what you did because it isnt for me =[
help mah D= when i try to put it up there it says invalid URl =[
duh haha
And also i have been working on the map, its coming along good.
look at my rank thingy ^.^
Okay thank you very much =D + rep even though it doesnt really do anything anymore but still your awesome =D
THAT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING =D one thing though if you could make it have my name somewhere in it you would be EPIC your a genius =D
haha dang you must be jumpy XP it didnt scare me forreal. Still made your skin move though O.O
it didnt come out yet, someone leaked it on the internet and he got to play it.
I didnt hear anything about this, but it must be true O.O wasnt expecting that after the whole GH Aerosmith episode.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VK4Ic83hLU Sorry there isnt a official video for this yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eB-Qmuklto Or...
•FH username: Mr. Whitestain83 •Total # of posts: 174 •Time since you signed up:1 mpnth •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: 40 hours...
I think that the only multiplayer is going to be amazing, i just wish i could see more about it.
No haha why?
that game actually looks epic i cant wait to get it its going to be amazing.
well one way to can is if you set whatever your merging against a box or something sturdy so you will know exactly where it is.