Hi pie ^.^
Hi there =] If you need any help with anything in the forums you can ask me =D i hope you enjoy your time here, welcome! :3
woooow that was crazy, i woulda been scared though XP
this doesnt really look like you did anything to it except added some vehicles, nothing extra so i dont really see it as good, but not bad either....
i just rented it =D ill tell you how it is later.
i think that the idea of a guitar hero with multiple bands that are alike would be played a lot, its better then just one band on the game because...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6OXel0mMpw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MyRqo1luAw&feature=related...
this is very funny hahahahhaha cut back on the hot sauce =D lame jokes are funneh.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk1JGeyo5Qg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xROOXmyXRvY
woooow haha wtf XD very funny =D
hahahahahaha thats weak XD very nice hahahaha
i guess it really is in resident evils shadow but this game has a more mental type game, it varies for each player.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycWgDMfZxi0 ^.^
Seven percent is still enough to win an election, even if it is a small percent, that percent is still voting without knowing anything about the...
where did she go?
how long?
your a **** you didnt pick up the phone
get over here D= im bored and your being a ****
yea when you come over jackass, but me and brownstain are going to be on the same xbox so if you need two people you know haha
if you need some people to go into a match with im game =D