Yes i know, that was on my local news so i wanted to show everyone on here. But people like that are disgusting.
Damn well if i play it im getting off of this.
i thought we had settled this? i won!
i havent really raided anything yet, i didnt get too far into the game yet.
Oh well i have some vault haurd that i killed clothes, they dont defend very well. I dont go into D.C. very much either i guess i should start.
Thats true but it doesnt work when you run at them like a idiot firing an automatic weapo, even though it seems like it, and where can i find new...
i do but then raiders shoot me in the face or molerats bite my shins O.O
Im more of a talker, like i have good charisma but i also have small guns, and big guns. So its a mixture, and i have the lady killer perk, as...
i would flip **** if i was driving and i saw some arabian doing that behind me O.O great find, but your right i didnt know they liked drifting...
Ohh im guessing some of it would be decided by the things at the beginning, like all of your choices you make.
What 500 endings?
But then whats left after that? Nothingness D=
Let me be the first to welcome you to forgehub darshan130, i hope you enjoy your time here and read the rules. You can ask me if you have any...
Me too, but then again there isnt too much to slaughter either.
Welcome to forgehub zsbden =D I realize that you are our newest member at the moment, so i wanted to formally welcome you to forgehub. Make sure...
wwwwwwwwwtttttttttfffffffff thats lame. that ruined a part of it for me.
You need to embeb pictures up here please, if you dont know how iw ill edit in the link....
where did you hear that? idk if there is one but that would suck if there was.
The combat really is great your right. I have had a few moments like that and it just makes you feel good =D haha i would give it a 10/10
This map is also a song name O.O but i love how clean it is. that makes it amazing and its great to play on too. Congradulations.