Then i guess im lucky! At least your gonna play it tomorrow though, right?? Ahhh lucky D= i want it now they need to speed up the release.
yes haha
yea i could do that if you want, what exactly do you want to know how to do? just how to make it neater? like do you know how to interlock?
Pick up bodies????????? =D that sounds like fun. But im going to buy it no doubt about it, ima be in the line for however long it takes, if you...
oh well thats fine, im 15 though.
ohhh well its not that hard =P ill help you out if you want, i will help you tomorrow if you want me to. im fine with it.
Im getting it and i think all the new things in that game are just sexy. But i have a question, how did you get to play it? D= And is there...
I wish that would happen to me, that would be great. =D
what do you need help on? =] ill see what i can do!