Magnet schools need to gain popularity
I'll offer what I know of each school: Purdue: Basketball is the big sport there, great engineering program, great for job recruiting, meh...
It is absolutely terrible if you can't function without the start button on the bottom left, otherwise from what I've seen it functions fine. And...
False. But I typically give a windows 3-6 months before even trying it, just for major bugs to get knocked out, or in the case of vista to avoid...
Remember when times were simpler and you could cause a building to catch fire and implode by stabbing it with a sword
Ehhhh Macrochem > mech physics > microchem > mag physics > bio
It just doesn't follow my learning patterns at all. I hate memorization of non numerical stuff..
**** life... Er wait sorry, **** the study of life. Yeah **** biology. Why the hell does a chemical engineer have to study ecology and genetics?
PPC is disgusting...
Dancin' like a prooooo On Dragoncoals' grave Posting with the brooos The car chase was my fave! Flash brings death to Ming
Make a kickstarter page
Fireworks by Katy Perry (Yoko Ono cover) - YouTube Fireworks by Katy Perry (Yoko Ono cover) - YouTube
You've been here since January 2008 and yet have no clue of the Rich Porn stuff?
You aren't very knowledgeable on the vast amounts of wealth grif hoards, are you?
I eat lunch at the restuarant across the street that grif owns (he owns the restuarant and the street)
I've been here for nearly 5 years... damn... But panda, for all I know it happened on a page/thread I never saw, or in an xbox live gathering I...
Don't think I was there for it
Oh do you have a chicken farm in that swamp of yours?
Finals week is making me feel like a cotton-headed ninny-muggins. Sorry for such language.