You think the imperial system is confusing compared to the metric? Try buoys. IALA Alpha vs IALA Bravo...
I hate being a conservative libertarian, I never win and things that affect me get worse.
Thanks Obama
Oh I was thinking 1.4.8 which is probably 1.5 like sky said. Either way, render rewrite and hoppers. **** yes.
Probably going to go with the one Xun mentioned for simplicity's sake... Those turtle beach X11s for $25 on amazon sound nice but I have no need...
I would probably just wear them with the left cup behind my ear if I expect something. Is there any big reason to look at the X12s instead of the...
How much would I be able to hear people around me in situations like; friends coming into the apartment, roommate trying to get my attention,...
I'm sure you could make some sort of code that takes distance by road, gas prices, distance by miles, nearest airport, etc and make an entire...
I just want to know how much backwards compatibility will be there at launch and whether or not XBL will be backwards too. Like will I still be...
Wait what the **** Runescape was not old school in 06-07. Thats when I quit I want to see some 2d old school **** where arrows were green...
How does probending combat work in minecraft? Also, when the hell will 1.8 be out... I want that render engine rewrite so goddamn badly.
Do turtle beaches plug into the computer too
Skylor, I'm not looking for a good pair of gaming headphones as much as just looking for something that I can hear my teammates with and they can...
So I recently stepped on my base xbox came-with-the-console mic and snapped the head piece, any suggestions on a new headset? I don't want to buy...
PC - Math Blaster Sega Dreamcast - Toy Commander Xbox - Halo CE 360 - Halo 3 or Assassin's Creed Game Boy Color - Super Mario Brothers Deluxe Game...
You completely skipped Grif's analysis, didn't you. Granted Grif didn't take into account the chances of car maintenance and getting an oil...
You get one shot at life, make it count.
Today is the day that residents living on campus can select to keep their rooms. They sent out the email saying it was open for us to do so around...
Correction: The panhandle is where anybody that considers flying to Colorado or Wyoming is a waste of money if there is a car available stops for...
The panhandle is where Texans stop for the night on the way to Colorado or Wyoming. Otherwise the largest city there, Amarillo (pronounced like...