Oh I didn't realize they had that high of a level of bullshit for the ones with more spare money
What specialization thing
What I meant was where smart people go to die inside
<---- Answer: The place where smart people go to die
This is my second semester of it. Not that I had to retake the first, but chemical engineers have to take it in two parts. What's honestly awful...
Oh now I remember. The try-hard almost-troll. **** ORGANIC CHEMISTRY **** TAUTOMERS **** THE ALDOL REACTION
I should be remembering something. The specopsgrunt guy? Yeah that was funny.
Well it was never facebook official so it doesn't count. Problem?
A single person exclusively for more than a few dates or just random hey i'd like to take you to dinner encounters? Or are you counting going to a...
Ex? filler
Not anymore its not.
Oh **** I mistyped, fix'd it. Only 4 in both options.
WWPPCD Would you rather have two finals on monday, one on wednesday, and one on friday or one on monday, one on wednesday, and two on friday?...
Because "are" is clearly a typo away from "our"
Fly you out there? Aren't you in LA? Grif goes to school near San Jose, a flight would be way too expensive to be worth it... oh wait no this is...
Examples of inducing Grif's wrath: That time I ate all his french fries because he said I could have one. Actually that is the only example...
I support the motion
Only thing that upsets me about the killcam is how the smallest of lag can make a killcam look like a horrendous glitch, otherwise I don't see the...