1) I have no idea so I can't help you here. 2) There's a bug with hill spawn order. I don't know the specifics, but rumor has it Bungie will fix...
This is a very valid point. I feel alpha zombie traits made the game slightly easier for the first zombie, as long as it was set correctly. Fat...
I recommend saving maps as "Save as new..." every hour or so. If one of them glitches, you still have a backup. It's better building for one hour...
Problem is, when you put them down (switch them for another weapon or die) they stay fixed. So every time someone dies, a weapon floats in the air...
So it's slayer, but you can't kill or be killed if you get tra[[ed? It sounds like there's not really any gameplay there, just sitting in a box....
Also make the spawns labeled "inf_spawn" red=humans, and blue=infected. Make sure a safe zone is around the entire playing space also.
Also, make sure you have spawns labeled "inf_spawn" (side note: red = humans, blue = infected)
Your best option may be to put teleporters at your 'checkpoints' and block them with a movable object. Then players can just move the object and...
I thought the level where you flew the Falcon around was too long. It felt like I was just running errands for Kat. Other than that, it was pretty...
There's a setting in custom gametype that says "Suicides become zombies". Just change it to disabled, and you'll be all set.
If a player lands on a slope and slows down enough, they won't take any falling damage. Basically, you can set up something like this: [Person]...
Died trying to be a team player on invasion, then got a double assist. A few seconds later got my first double kill (on my first 2 kills). Next...
I thought Kat's death was just kind of funny/stupid. "So now our main mission is a demoli-" dead. I was kindof confused as to what just happened....
This map is terrible because you made it. In all seriousness it's a very good teacher map. Soccer fields and basketball courts, libraries and...
@I Are Rambo It seems like you'll play both sides so it's fun for everyone
I will not lurk, so I will play the word association game. Macaroni. Banana. Parrot. Bird. Cheese puff. Potato.
It would be nice if we could forge cubes of water or "non-water" that could be placed anywhere. They could merge into things so you could create a...
I was expecting him to do well at then end. Then I realized "Oh, he probably just sucks."
Yeah there's regular shield doors, it's not leaked, it's been on the item list for some time.