I've already made a mission a while ago (i think eddie has it...) and they are fun to make. I'll definitely be making some more of these.
For PvP on assassins creed maps, the only thing i can think of is using FFA with honor rules. But as we all know, honor rules suck....
Perhaps oddball, with the ball on the top?
That's not how you post pictures... try this: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html
The area between the island and coastline has a glitch that you can be fully submerged and survive.
When loading up forge, change the gametype to territories. Then set the hill marker's label to territories_objective (I think...., it may be...
If your power on switch is fairly close to the machines, you could use a fusion coil wire with a tripmine button. Since you have a large amount of...
This was a fun one to play on. The map layout is nice, and easy to understand. The lifts work perfectly. And the aesthetics aren't lacking (the...
What Stevo said. I would like to add that the size of the update is also important. Adding a few spawns is not reason to bump the map. However, if...
Stumpleupon FTW.
I lol'd. The map looks a little too rectangular. I also noticed a lack of manican-objects. Though I have no idea how you would do that...
Don't forget to throw in a platform floating over the ocean.
I feel like you may have just ran into a glitch the causes an item to respawn without despawning the old object. When you start the game (or a new...
Here's a solution posted a while ago that looks like it'd work:...
It sounds like a very cool idea. The game itself sounds very fun, my concern is the gametype elements to make it possible.
The largest reason I think Reach is still fun for me is forge/custom games. I was so disappointed in Bungie for taking out custom game options,...
While it may be getting a little ridiculous, Forgehub has never discriminated against maps based on how good they are or the talent the forger has.
I believe you want to post this suggestion here. I personally think we should have a section for infection, and perhaps invasion, but BTB has...
For X assists in firefight matchmaking, the best option is to use the grenade launcher in firefight matchmaking. You can usually get 25 assists...
Can't you just spawn the objects, hit b, then hit delete all? I haven't purchased Noble Map Pack, so I can't say I'm sure this still works.