Hey, needchu
Should have..screw calc!
H8chu :( I'm just going and standing there by myself at like 11ish probably lol
I thought they unlocked at 50 broski
Five hours in my fictitious Canadian timezone
Nutty, coming from Halo 3 to Reach all the mini game forgers thought mini games were dead. Loss of equipment, loss of chopper/hornet, loss of VIP,...
Haha do you actually need something? I dunno if I've been ignoring you or not lol.
Unrelated, but how to do custom power ups work in H4?
The Halo 4 MLG matches: mlg_halo_4 - Highlights
I really wish the secondaries weren't there at all. The pistol is the only real secondary. The PP and the BS have too much usage (though the PP...
I don't agree Pac. They could have given us the same pieces with some black versions, grey versions..hell maybe some blue and other colors too....
I agree, I've been enjoying him.
Lol glad I could be of service.
Parents live in houston, so they're my team.
Haha, haven't gotten a single advert yet.
I've been jacked off it, like Adrift CTF in some of the more intense CTF games is friggin nailbiting. Loving some of the new guys come in and put...
mlg_halo_4 Not playing ATM..Bravo interview Kevin Franklin.
God damn, MLG is so intense it's distracting me from the Texans game.
You been watching the streams?
Oh yeah for sure, Reach's textures wouldn't have been half as bad if we could have actually utilized all the pieces and the entire budget without...