So after discovering that the Wall Coliseum Contest only accepts competitive maps, I started to build a 1v1 map near the waterfall. It was a very...
me! me! me! My GT is my name. Yellow Sausage
"♦Support a competitive slayer based game-type. | 1v1 | 2v2 | 4v4 | 8v8 |" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I spent about 7 hours making a race....
Map Name: Operation: Silent Dawn Player Count: 12-16 Gametypes That Require Testing: inv_silent dawn Download Link: File Share Halo Official...
I like the thought and effort put into this map. Still though, 4 power weapons? It's a bit much.
Can't really tell much from the pictures. Could you try add an overview?
I rememver I tried skecthing a map. The sketch turned out really well but the forging didn't. So yea I just Forge.
This reminds me of my map Sapphire (which sucked). Still can't really tell much from that picture only that there are LoS problems and it is very...
Hey FM, could you make a list for what counts as the "25 objects". Like do rocks count or do teleporters count? Thanks!
So, I decided to make a list of nominations for FHF 39. Of course this will hopefully go on to FHF 40 FHF 41 etc. What it is is a list showing...
It's not his map (Sigh) Anyway this is a cool idea. I'd have to see how it plays before judging it.
I can't tell much from the pictures but NO rocket lawnchair. It is 2 easy kills. Swap it with a nade or grenade launcher.
Thanks so much cluckinho. I think since then I've fixed them problems (hopefully lol) and aestheticly I've much improved the map. Thanks!
Operator The Phantom Circuit For The Square! I'm trying to promote "unoticed" maps. Kay finished nominating now. I think them 3 maps have gone...
Yaw that's alright
Damn I don't have a mic...I....KILL....YOU!!!!!
Is there any rules regarding judges? i.e do you have to have a mic?
Thanks for the feedback jack. Dunno what else to say really. Didn't think Feral was that good. Anyway from now on noone is to call me "Sausage"....
Yea I agree with Savage. More consistency is need with the use of objects here. Because of that aestheticly it doesn't look the best. And yea I...
Thanks guys. Zombievillian did point this out but with two teleporters I think it is fixed. Also you don't have the best LoS up there.