Thanks alot. I'll give you the link to one of em' now: Map:File Share Halo Official Site Gametype: File Share Halo Official Site Oh and don't...
I haven't watched the first episode, but this ceartinly looks very interesting. I'll check out the 1st episode. EDIT: Nice. 1st episode got me...
I can really see some bad camping spots here. i.e the 2nd last picture, the corner 4x4s. Can't really tell much else. I'd have to get a proper...
Thanks alot, but what about Multi Flag?
So I'm building my entry for the flag contest and came up with a problem. How do I set up the gametypes? I know how to set up normal CTF. But what...
Hey bout' Hotel Zanzibar, when would you be testing it, like what days,times? Thanks!
Thanks Dax. I actually went into forge and started to make this. I made alot of changes, like Red and Blue bases are now Green and Orange bases....
Really can't tell much because you only show one room but from what I see it looks like a clean pretty map. Oh I'll try give you some...
I agree with DC, players will generally cut through the middle. Though if you haven't maybe put a power wep on the bridge and that will lure...
..... Emmm well feedback I guess. Edited by merge: Wait a second, how do you do that so fast? My skecth took ages to do.
Had a go at Google sketchup. I'm pretty bad at it though, I mean, look at the water. Still I feel it could be a pretty decent BTB map. Feedback is...
Happpy bday! *Slaps you 23 times
I would of added more pics but as I said my xbox is having trouble and I still can't get it working. :[ Still they might feel like cut outs but...
What you're saying is true but if these do play well then I'll say this. Would you rather play a map like this that plays well Or a FW map that...
Welcome everyone to a map pack like no other. It consists of 8 1v1/2v2 maps that are not in Forge World. Also there is no DLC involved. Aaand...
Couldn't they just have a system where you can set yes or no you want randomers to join your game? Still though it's an awesome idea!
Wait a second, if you jump down to get the CPU, how do you get back up? Is there a lift? Or am I just blind?
Damn, no more of these: These Yes that was my old account and it got on the top 11 kills of 2011 =]
Haha thanks man. I'm actually planning something real cool. I'm making a 1v1 map on every non-DLC map except Forge World. Thinking of releasing a...
Wow thanks for the feedback guys. I guess you won't see much if not any inspiration from the maps above but at the start I had hoped that I would...