looks likei nice map, but the whole outside part is not a good idea. just letting people run around in packs make them almost unstoppable. still...
Looks like its a very good race track, i know i couldnt of done it.
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first, this has been done before. you should really be more creative next time. second, why is there a town next to a jail? third, the...
This is a pretty cool map. I'll definitley have to download it. the only flaw is that it seems like only a nieve kid named danny would think of...
From these pictures, it does not look like it could be any good, it seems like there is four spots to hide, and they're exactly the same. you...
its a good map, just could of put more time into making it smoother
Very good map, i really like all of the hills and turns. The one thing i would add is more scenery its a little bit dull. great gameplay though.
danco616 is naive.
This is just a map i made for friends to have fun together. The zombie waits on ground level for 30 seconds before ramps spawn. They jump down the...