I dont like the light source. IT's like, Right on his face. Try making it come fro the top.
<3 Style: ? Shirts: Polooo's Pants: Drk Bloo, Not tight but not gangsterr Shoes: Nike 6.0 Jumps
Well you could blur the spartan, but then it would look ugly. btw your santa hat is out of proportion.
YouTube- ReziLienT :: Halo 3 Final Montage :: "Paramount" - Edited by MM mad max MM By-far my favourite montages yet.
The flag and the spartan seems like dual focals.. Im sure you know what to do to fix that. And I love the twenty "OMGZ I needz this sig!!1!1"...
Thanks alot bro.
100x76 Please. [IMG] Thanks ahead if anyone does.
Hay dawg, I herd you dont know your lingo so ima tell ya that your not really making something high def by sharpening it. your basically adding...
Ive just recently discovered internet. im not in with the "crowd"
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Mushroom MUSHROOOM! YouTube- Badgers
MY Turtle Beach x1's work pretty fine for me, theres a loooooooong cord, but it comes with one of those little velcrow strap thingers, So your...
^ need some help with your grammar, bro. It's lookin' pretty hot. Be sure to invite me to your tests.
CS3, I used GIMP for the longest time, but felt that there was more I could do in PS
Thanks bro.
[IMG] v2 w/ text: [IMG] First shot at photoshopp. No c4d or anything yet. Please, give me some advice and were I could improve, No " looks...
Saints tonight plz. And yeh, Colts have had some crazy 4th quarter comebacks.
I love the depth, lighting, and imo the text suits this sig. only flaw is the side. Seems way to bright. [IMG] I'll just leave this here...
Am I the only one who noticed her nose seems very oversharpened?
Not as good as the other submissions, But I sorta just want feedback and you dont get **** when you make a CnC thread. Im starting to get back...
I did blur stuff, To make the mask a focal.. Nothing special, and ill look for it now, one second. Edit:Thread