Its actually CO2 (carbon dioxide) + H2O (water) ->light-> C6H12O2 (glucose) + O2 (oxygen)
In my opinion when you're dead you're dead. Period. There is no afterlife or whatnot.
Not everyone is like you Norlinsky...My favorite book is Final Theory by Mark Alpert. It is sci-fi, action, mystery all at once with a romance in it.
Is Palin Preparing for a 2012 Run? Sarah Palin may soon be free. Soon, she may not have the millstone of John McCain around her neck. And she...
WASHINGTON (Oct. 27) - Two white supremacists allegedly plotted to go on a national killing spree, shooting and decapitating black people and...
McCain 4 life!!!!! Barack obama has already been placed in assaisination plans. Linkzor. 2nd Linkzor.
Insane...can you come to the shoutbox?
That, to me, has a strange resemblance to Valhala
O well I guess I did then.
I just joined the TEsters guold early this week so I don't think so.
Its me Sn1p3r K1Ilx from last night.
I am on at least a few hours a day. I get things done right away. At least base knowledge of every aspect. I am good at sentance structure and...
I have yet to play FarCry2 or see it but I do have experience with Halo 3. Today at lunch I sat with my friends and they were ready to beat the...
•FH username: RacoonSniper 13 •Total # of posts: 239 •Time since you signed up:2ish months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: more then...
I like that one (the second one). I wish I still had photoshop.
IS it harder to make a symmetrical or asymmetrical...I'll make asymmetrical anyways.
I can geomerge for you if you want.
What are the double asteriks for. The **'s.
Can I join ze Breakers?
Never use teleporters on a map. They disorient playes.