I have to do it that way becuase of lack of memory but if i get judges the rules will be changed again
All games are judged on defalt slayer. No exeptions.
Any mas is acceptable as long as it does not violate any of the rules.
better linu?
NOTICE: The rules have changed
Your maps look good let me play it first
i fixed the rules
I have decided to edit the rules semi-drastically
I am hosting my first contest here on Forgehub. The objective of this is to create a 1 v 1 map on Foundry. The prize for this is 1600 microsoft...
Can you delete the 4 or 5 newest visitor message from this **** who doesn't understand what racism is
I say it was racist. Seriously leran how to read names...
Apparently everthing I say is racist...
I was shocked too....Whisper probably thinks this article is racist...
Pygmy Species Discovered After 85 Years Weighing just 2 ounces, they resemble mini gremlin creatures, as they have big eyes and are covered in...
I know what anarchy is and I didn't use it best in context but it is still clear i knew what it ment and how is that racism?
Now all those bitches will complain about E.O.B. great just what we need new things that they ***** about. However the Vidmaster Challenge :...
AIrsoft gun the same airsoft gun as number 1 the same one as number 2 but different then number 1 i cant believe I am making a list book of lists...
Ufortunatly the framers F***ed up and gave us all freedom of speech which means anyone can say anything and anything can be said by anyone...
Do you still have an almost girlfriend?