I dont know what ur private life is like but dont show it. If ur rich dont act like a spoiled brat. If you're poor um... just try to blend in....
For those who do not believe that evolution is happening now: While currently our physical appearence may not be evolving what about our way of...
I would choose to save my girlfriend. I think that the baby would be too much of a burden as a teen and it was just remind me of her.
In all of those cases is there not even a small chance that can happen? It may seem impossible but is it possible and simply non-probable
[ They call it a miracle yes? Does a miracle not have A chance of occuring, no matter how small a chance? If time was endless every event...
Um...We are on our way to Pluto...and we have to travel faster then light to get to the end of the Universe.
What i ment was that the human species isnt going to live to the end of the sun, and i mean, if it takes years to get to Pluto, no one will live...
If you are catholic, muslamic or jewish, you believe in one god. However, in some religions there are multiple dieties. Who's to say that...
"Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech." In today's society we do in fact have that freedom but is that freedom...
...and to the point of evolution, not ALL members of a species change. For example, a new-born monkey has some of their mother and fathers'...
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." -Albert Einstein
Years proior, science and religion have been taught together and complimentary subjects instead of trying to disprove one another. Not 1 is right...
I accidently said creation before so my point may have been ignored I personally believe in evolution so: Take a deck of cards. If you suffle...
I personally believe in evolution so: Take a deck of cards. If you suffle the cards and deal them like so : [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[] chances...
It sounds like, from what you said, you need to place spawns in the sky-bubble.
Actually it has under half of the guns in the game...The ray gun and all guns are in campain wether given to you, in enemy hands, or as an easter...
I have both a 360 and a PS3 and the 360 is so much better in any non entertainment way.
I still don't get it....maybe cause it's 12:49...who knows
Unfortunatly people have the right to call for a constitutional amendment in their state and if they win they can change whatever they want. They...
When i reserved it it was in Febuary