dude, when did all these judgment maps start popping up? hah looks like its pretty popular now.
Hey guys I was wondering if any of you know how to block the man cannons in the big cave on Avalanche. I know you have to overload the map, but I...
you find anything out yet on the mancannon blocking?
This looks like it could be a really good slayer map. The map so far looks great..just keep on making the surrounding wall so people can't get...
Very nice. This is a perfect remake so far...is it done? I can't tell because you put it in this forum. But anyways, this looks really great.
I like this so far. It reminds me of Lockout/Blackout with the angles of the walls and the two blocks on the side of the walkway. Keep it up with...
Ok, sorry for not replying earlier..I have been busy working these past couple of days and have been too tired to get on here. Sorry if this is...
Checking in on your map. And must I say this is looking really great! It is better than all of the sanctuary maps that are complete..so far. Keep...
Yes, I am talking about that and I also have the blocked lazer canvas map, so if we need to look at it then we can. It is pretty massive, and...
What about if I make a new zombie window on sketch up and post pictures of it here? I'll get to work on it...it'll be simple.
Alright sounds good. Keep us posted.
I was actually thinking along the same path as you last night. I wanted to create a map like Valhalla/Blood Gulch but just on Sandbox. Diverse...
Thank you very much. This will really be helpful once I get the hang of it. Great explanations on how to do it. Thanks again.
So are the humans trying to kill the zombies or just run away in warthogs and mogooses? It sounds a lot like infected road, where humans get in...
Oh one question. How do you get zombies in and keep humans from getting out on your map? That is a key factor in **** zombies maps. For mine and...
first, what kind of prize? Microsoft points? Second....I agree with the matrix ninja. I don't think you can merge to movable objects and keep them...
I love the beach house idea. I was thinking maybe have the first floor in the shape of an octogon and every other wall there would be a zombie...
Maybe change the spawn point to attacker. If that doesn't work just place an oddball next to the spawn point and make the winning score really...
No, I'm not good with them..try Master Debayter. But I will add your GT if you still want me to. Are you talking about the RWB for Sandbox?
The parking garage sounds like an idea....maybe each door that is opened leads to another bigger car parking space with more windows for zombies...