I was playing with a friend at his house at night with the lights off and the sound pretty high and with no one home. For us, not knowing what it...
I really like this design. The two big squares on the top and bottom with the "x" in them should both connect to each side leaving the players...
This is a tite looking map, and I hope to see this in the threads for dl soon. It looks like something bungie would design but have the covenant...
Ya it would be very tite to be going towards the objective and then 2 phantoms go flying past you...and also some destructable cover/objects would...
Def. a full detailed map editor like farcry 2. :P thats probably already on there but o wellss.
hmm,very ineresting map design. I like the way the levels combine/connect to each other as well as the arches that go into each different section...
Ya after I posted that idea I thought of problems that might occur and yours was one of them. The way it works with less than 16 players is very...
Very cool looking center. I love how the levels just flow together. Awesome forging, keep it up.
I'll test. GT = xFall3nShaDoWx Send me a request or invite, I should be on.
Ok I figured it out i think. I'm just going to have the 8 humans spawn into a boxed in space with fusion coils inside it then have a slit to where...
Hey guys I've stumbled upon a problem with spawning in my infection gametype. The original idea was to have 3 alpha zombies spawn at the beginning...
Very fun maps rifte. They go together very well and play fantastic, although there is a lot of teamwork involved it still plays well for new...
ltr tonightor tmrw i need to test a gametype. i made a map for it but its not anything special.
Hey dude long time no talk.
I could release some of your remakes with the gametype when it is complete as well as any other maps that may play well with this. Anyone with...
Hmm I'll have to look into to the mission idea. Creating a campaign would up the level for this def.
Ya my ideas originally sparked from Asset but I knew that using a VIP would not work, so this "firefight" style gametype came to mind. Urban Style...
please close this thread ;)
This could actually become a pretty fun/very intense gametype. Just think of what the scenario here is guys, one man on top of a hill (what where...
Very nice looking map I must say. I like the idea of zombies popping through the floor in the galley room, very cool. Also the RWB looks sweet...