Hey this map looks really well forged and has a cool design. I'll be willing to test this map out, just PM me.
haha lucky man.
Pre-ordered it. A little over 2 weeks left!
Ya dude I wrestle. This will only be my second year to do it but itll be varsity. Senior year! Where do you live?
Ya dude Glacier would be fun as hell for multiplayer. Where's the snow in multiplayer? :(
nice find man. looking at it now
Where is the legit video of the ending?
Just look up "Halo Reach Boardwalk, Countdown, and Glacier" on Youtube
There is some footage of Holdout on there. He is trying to blow up a phantom with the mortar thing. But ya we probably shouldn't talk about it....
Umm in the video seen on youtube of Holdout there is a part in Forge World when he is flying the Falcon and he turns facing the grifball arena. If...
If they say with a different climate than the rest of the map then there is obviously more to ForgeWorld we saw. If they interpreted right then we...
Well that didn't work out, sorry I suggested it.
Haha woops didn't read thoroughly. And sweet. Maybe they'll be talking about what the stats and profile will be like on Bungie and maybe...
Ya the quality is bad so just use the pic on IGN if you can. If not then you could do the snap shot thing where you take a picture of the video...
I third that, but honestly this video only showed a teeny tiny bit of the 1st mission (I could have done without the opening cutscene) and most of...
It is for sure that you can have a teleport spawn in the game by selecting the spawn at start "no" and then giving it a specified time to spawn?
Heroic for sure, since Bungie says it is the "way" to play Halo. Plus its just too fast paced on easy or normal. Legendary always comes 2nd for me...
I guess post pictures of Boardwalk and Countdown since you have the red arrows indicating spoilers. It shouldnt really matter.
hahaha I hate those damn things
There is also footage on youtube from the Halo Reach GamesCon Panel. *SPOILERS* IT is the FIRST mission and CUTSCENE! Dont watch if you dont want...